How My Super-Yale-Like Corporate Internship Turned Into Being a TV Correspondent and a TV Anchor

I have a Hong Kong visa in my traveling passport. I set my debit card so it could be used in Hong Kong. I had a uber-prestigious corporate paid internship in Hong Kong. And then one person at Yale decided I couldn’t go. I will vent extensively later, when I have all the complete information.

And so I needed something to do in Russia over the summer. I showed up at a local TV station and told them they want me to be their intern. The magic of Yale University helped. Now I write news for the local radios, write texts for the evening news, and make completely my own features shown on the evening news at the local (but large) TV station. Oh, and I am an anchor – just occasionally. So much for wanting a corporate internship.

PS: I am also writing for a local newspaper. Apparently, not all of us Yalies go on the cool internship in exotic locales (who would have thought, right?)